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Erosion Control

Erosion is the general process whereby materials of the earth's crust are worn away and removed by natural agencies, specifically land destruction and simultaneous removal of particles of soil by running water, waves, currents, moving ice or wind.

There are several ways to prevent the erosion on slope:

  • Install geomat on dry steep slope to retain the humus and offering permanent support to the roots of the plants.

  • Install Geocell to improve the surface stability of the soil on steep uneven slopes and promotes enhanced vegetation growth over otherwise nutrient deficient slopes to provide an attractive green finish.

  • Installation of Geomat or Geocell will create a flexible but firm layer of constrained soil capable of withstanding the effects of heavy rain or high water flow.

  • To protect slopes on shore or river, installation of concrete mattress will create a layer that can withstand waves or currents.

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PT Geostructure Dynamics adalah sebuah perusahaan jasa konstruksi yang memposisikan diri sebagai perusahaan yang secara khusus menangani perbaikan & perkuatan (konsolidasi) kualitas tanah, maupun spesialis dalam pengerjaan perkuatan tepi lereng. Tak hanya itu, PT Geostructure Dynamics juga memiliki spesialiasi dalam pengelolaan limbah, serta konstruksi tempat pembuangan sampah akhir yang aman sehingga dapat mengurangi tingkat pencemaran tanah dan lingkungan anda. Dalam memberikan pelayanan jasa konstruksi, PT Geostructure Dynamics membekali diri dengan metode tehnikal terbaru, tenaga ahli yang berkualitas dan peralatan yang mutakhir untuk mengatasi masalah dan kendala yang dihadapi.

PT Geostructure Dynamics is a construction services company that positions itself as a company that specifically handles repairing & strengthening (consolidating) the quality of the land, as well as specialists in the construction of reinforcing edge slopes. Not only that, PT Geostructure Dynamics also has specialization in waste management, as well as the construction of safe final landfills so that it can reduce the level of pollution of your land and environment. In providing construction services,

PT Geostructure Dynamics equips itself with the latest technical methods, qualified experts and cutting-edge equipment to overcome the problems and obstacles you face.

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